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Version: 1.5.0


All governance activities require designated owners for allocated resources, making it essential to ensure resources always have assigned owners. You can set up notifications to be sent to a specified email address whenever a resource is identified as missing owners.

Auto-Heal Feature

The Auto-Heal feature is a powerful tool for shared mailboxes, room mailboxes, and equipment mailboxes. When no owners are assigned to a resource, Auto-Heal steps in to automatically designate owners based on the specified configuration.

The Auto-Heal process follows these steps:

  1. Primary and Secondary Ownership Check: First, the process checks if both a primary and secondary owner are assigned. Auto-Heal will only proceed if neither owner is present.

  2. Full Access Control Permissions Review: If no owners are assigned, the process examines the full access control permissions list. It filters for active users (not disabled), who are organization members with a mailbox. From these eligible candidates, it randomly selects two users to assign as primary and secondary owners.

  3. Send-As Permissions Review: If no suitable owners are found in the full access list, the process then checks the send-as permissions list, applying the same filters for active, mailbox-enabled users. If possible, it randomly selects two candidates from this list.

  4. Escalation and Notification: If no owners are identified after these checks, an escalation action is triggered, and notifications are sent to users configured in the escalation settings to alert them to the issue.

You can configure Auto-Heal through the Owners policy:

Full Access ControlWhen enabled, verifies users with full access control and designates them as owners.
Send-As PermissionsWhen enabled, verifies users with send-as permissions and designates them as owners.
Notify New Owners When AssignedWhen enabled, sends notifications to inform newly assigned owners of their responsibility.

Minimum Owner Policy

The Minimum Owner Policy ensures that each resource has at least a specified number of assigned owners. If a resource falls below this threshold, the existing owners will be notified to add additional owners. You can specify the number of reminders to send and define actions if owners do not respond within the designated timeframe.


The Create wizard in the EasyLife 365 Mail App enforces the minimum owner policy by requiring users to assign the specified number of owners when creating a new resource.